Move from Barely Surviving to
Fully Thriving

Say Good-Bye to Anxiety and Stress –
Say Hello to Centeredness and Self-Love

Therapy in San Luis Obispo

I can help you THRIVE!

Anxiety and Stress wear us down.

Racing thoughts, sleeplessness, hypervigilance, irritability or always being sick. Perhaps you replay conversations in your head analyzing everything. “What if, what if, what if.” You may even overanalyze the idea of getting help.

Or have you ever thought?

Once I do such and such, then I’ll catch a break…
Once I accomplish x, y or z, then I can relax…

Meanwhile you are exhausted, frazzled, depleted, and barely making it through the day. You can’t seem to mobilize yourself out of the mindless routine that is your life.

Poor self-esteem may even make getting help feel out of reach. Our inner critic says,

“You should be able to get your act together.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“You’re not worth it.”

Feeling unworthy? Not good enough?

We’ve internalized the message that something is wrong with us – and that when we mess up or struggle, we don’t deserve love or help.

So, we work hard to convince others that our life is wonderful… but inside we are beaten and bruised by our self-hatred. Hence, we withdraw ourselves from our own and others’ love and support when we need it the most.

You are not alone. To some degree we all struggle with shame, guilt and negative self-talk.

We can shift that way of thinking.

Therapy can help you overcome anxiety, stress and low self-esteem. I can help you attain a calm and well-balanced life, brimming with self-love, and a sense of worthiness.

A simple action can change your life forever. Call now: (805) 305-4543 to schedule a free consultation. It’s time to break free of your chains that keep you stuck.

You’re worth it.